The best approach to avoid plagiarism is to cite everything that isn't an original idea. You may end up with multiple citations in different parts of the same sentence. That's okay. If your thesis director or an editor think you've cited too much you can always pare back. You should also not have other resources open while you're typing. That forces you to understand the content and to paraphrase it in your own words. But you still need to cite it if it is from another source. I've loaded a diagram that my students use. It isn't perfect for all situations but it is helpful for most.
We should avoid direct copy paste from already published articles whether we should focus on refreshing this statement based on what we have understand. in addition there are some softwares that check it. Urkund is one example.
Plagiarism and self citation is very common. Author must take care that it must not exceed the limit of the particular journal you are planning to submit your paper. In case you need an authentic plagiarism report for your paper i provide it by Turnitin software. Contact me for the same. Arvind Kumar GOYAL