27 Questions 499 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alex Ignatov
Low accumulation of Boron (B) cause physiological damage in many plants. High concentration of soluble Ca in soil (over 6 g/kg) and acidic pH (4.5-5) prevent accumulation of B despite sufficient...
01 January 2020 2,255 2 View
Genus Ochrobactrum include versatile alphaproteobacteria with ability to colonize wide variety of habitats, such as soil, to water, plants, nematodes, insects, animals, and humans . Some species...
08 August 2019 3,209 3 View
Plant pathogenic bacteria of genus Clavibacter were found in glacial ice across the World. (see Christner, B. C., Mosley-Thompson, E., Thompson, L. G., Zagorodnov, V., Sandman, K., & Reeve, J....
01 January 2019 9,503 2 View
The EU Court of Justice has ruled that plants created using novel genome editing methods will be classed as genetically modified organisms and therefore have to follow the strict EU guidelines for...
07 July 2018 2,287 40 View
There is a strong deformation of plant tops, leaves, fruits crack along and filled with smelly liquid. The cross-and longitudinal sections free of any symptoms of systemic infection. More than...
03 March 2018 5,197 2 View
I have isolated from water some strange-looking colonies on YDC medium. In fact they are dark violet. Do you have any idea about taxonomic position of this bacteria?
02 February 2018 6,677 6 View
We have a task for water samples analysis and need to concentrate /isolate all groups of plant pathogens separately for PCR from the same sample. So far, we apply 3 rounds of filtration. Is there...
01 January 2018 2,322 12 View
I have isolated recently pathogenic for tomato plant bacteria of Chryseobacterium sp. There is a few references about such bacteria as plant pathogens, including one old strain NCPPB No. 583 of...
12 December 2017 7,965 10 View
Potato plants have specific symptoms that look to me as virus, what is it really? Symptoms have appeared in the end of July. up to 30% of plants have them without any certain local difference...
08 August 2017 944 19 View
There are some data about intra-cultivar SNP variability for potato, especially for old varieties (Theor Appl Genet (2015) 128:2387–2401 DOI 10.1007/s00122-015-2593-y). Is it possible to find...
04 April 2016 4,140 6 View
I know that collards can survive after -18oC, kales - after -14oC, cabbage plants - after -7oC. Is there any Brassica oleracea crop tolerant to -22oC (outdoor culture)?
01 January 2016 10,238 9 View
Contaminated seeds (inner infection) became a main factor of new pathogens entrance to agricultural areas, and yield losses caused by bacteria and viruses. Is there any reliable seed treatment...
02 February 2015 2,503 11 View
Pectolytic enterobacteria (Dickeya sp., Pectobacterium sp.) became very harmful pathogens of potato transmitted by seeds. Is there any reliable ways to control the pathogens? I know...
02 February 2015 4,450 10 View
The plant Quarantine pathogen X. fastidiosa was found on Asteraceae plants including sunflower (http://pd.tamu.edu/publications/black.pdf). Can it be seed-transmitted?
01 January 2015 4,642 11 View
High energy microwave affect iliving beings mainly through termal effect. What is the mechanism of low dose microwave (300 MHz - 300 GHz electromagnetic field) effect on organism: membrane...
01 January 2015 800 9 View
We found a high number of Serratia sp in coconuts sold in Moscow. It looks like they are known in other regions as well...
12 December 2014 2,601 17 View
There are two common ways of genome characterization for bacteriophages: restriction analysis and complete genome sequencing. Does anyone know of an example of successful PCR diagnostics of...
11 November 2014 5,257 3 View
Some strains of Pectobacterium sp. and other plant pathogenic enterobacteria are known to produce Trimethylamine, responsible for "fishy" smell of infected plants and bacteria on agar medium. Such...
10 October 2014 2,601 1 View
I have found recently yellow-pigmented bacterium that cause canker of Physalis leaves at 25-30oC and rapid blight at 35oC. This bacterium cause no symptoms but colonyze plant leaves at
08 August 2014 925 5 View
Homo sapiens and H. neanderthalensis coexisted for long time. Genetic analysis of modern human population show some rare variants with ancient genes...
05 May 2014 6,970 11 View
Some Orient genotypes of Brassica rapa have so called A-type seed coat. Large cells of outer layer with walls made of polymer are swelling in water. The seed coat is formed by mother plant but...
04 April 2014 7,285 1 View
"The ancient pathogen Pithovirus sibericum (class of giant viruses) was discovered buried 30m down in the frozen ground. The virus infects amoebas. The last time it infected anything was more than...
03 March 2014 5,511 5 View
Andree Hubber (2004) described effector-coding genes with signal aa for both T3SS and T4SS.
11 November 2013 3,823 3 View
I wonder if it has been done by anybody? So far, I have found a few references that antibodies were not specific, like this: "No viroid-specific antibodies were detected in rabbits injected with...
01 January 1970 4,126 23 View
Rapid potato stem damage caused by Phytophthora is spreading this year on some potato cultivars. Is it common symptoms comparing to late blight? Some plants are infected by Pectobacterium spp....
01 January 1970 9,769 8 View
Some (less than 0.1%) small plants of potato in commercial field are still green at October (late harvest time), even after desiccant application. What can cause such deviation of normal growth?
01 January 1970 7,801 5 View
Potato plant of known variety has distinct physiological trait (resistance to biotic stress of high importance) comparing to other plants of the same cultivar. The trait was inherited in its...
01 January 1970 6,956 7 View