27 Questions 120 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abdenour Kheloufi
Dear RG Colleagues, I hope you're doing well. I started to work on Myrtus communis seeds and I have a question: What kind of morphological measurment I can do on this seed (pic attached)... If...
02 July 2021 3,317 4 View
Dear RG Colleagues, I hope you're doing well. In my region, I noticed that an area contains a very rich flora and fauna biodiversity. I am trying with a team to establish a complete inventory...
02 April 2021 8,692 4 View
Dear RG Colleagues, Can you please show me what kind of morphological characterisation for fruit from the genus LOMELOSIA. Best regards Abdenour
06 December 2019 4,575 3 View
Dear RG Colleagues, I want to test the effect of pH on germination. How to create these different treatment solutions ? pH 2, pH 4.... Thank you
24 October 2019 551 3 View
Dear RG Colleagues, I am trying to study the effect of a biofertilizer and I am confuse about the experimental design. So I have : 3 plant species and only one factor "Biofertilzer" and my...
20 August 2019 5,835 4 View
dear Colleagues, Can you please identify this ladybug ( Coleoptera Coccinellidae )? Thank you
09 April 2019 8,341 22 View
Dear Colleagues, What are the essential parameters studied to evaluate the presence of a plant species in a given environment? What is or are the best sampling methods? Thank you for your...
18 December 2018 4,530 16 View
Dear RG Colleagues, I'm going to start a Dunaliella salina culture in an aquarium, but I need some professional experiences: 1. What should the culture medium consist of ? 2. How to quantify...
18 December 2018 5,332 7 View
Dear RG Colleagues, As a teacher, I want to know what are the consequences (The general academic policies on cheating) for a student caught in flagrancy cheating on exams (in your institution or...
21 November 2017 7,956 10 View
Dear Colleagues, What is the Best method to follow when studying a plant phenology (annual plant)? Thank you
25 July 2017 4,188 7 View
Dear Colleagues, What kind of Biofertilzer are used until now with a great success?! Thank you
21 July 2017 4,400 17 View
Dear Colleagues, Is there any good and simple link/tutorial to make distribution maps with ArcGIS based on GPS coordinates?! Thank you
15 July 2017 9,455 6 View
Dear Colleagues, When studying algae species, is there any standard points to take into account (depth, area...) to make a complete and good inventory (mediterranean sea)? Thank you
13 July 2017 3,773 6 View
Dear Colleagues, Is there any parameters related to the term "Invasive". I mean when we can say that a species (plant) is invasive? Especially for tree species... Thank you
13 July 2017 3,723 10 View
Dear Colleagues, What is the best method to improve germination in Juniperus oxycedrus seeds? Thank you
30 April 2017 3,711 29 View
Dear Colleagues, Is There a simple method to prepare the extract of leaf, stem and root in order to estimate Na, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe. Thank you for your contributions
18 April 2017 3,552 7 View
Dear Colleagues, I was wondering if there is an esasiest method to extract essential oils from dry leaves? Thank you
04 April 2017 1,311 8 View
Dear Colleagues, Is there a standard irrigation calendar to apply under saline conditions? Some researchers apply just for one week, and others for 2 weeks. I want to try the effect of salinity...
03 April 2017 742 4 View
Dear Colleagues, What are the parameters related to an application of some biofertilzers on the plant growth (in pots)? Thank you
17 March 2017 8,742 6 View
Dear Colleagues, I would like to know the important points that can really make a difference between Acacia eburnea, Acacia seyal and Acacia ehrenbergiana? these species are thorny trees. Thank you
04 March 2017 4,801 6 View
Dear colleagues, I would like to know what kind of morphological measurment I can make on these two aquatic species : Holothuria forskali and Pinna nobilis, without have to to disturb any...
19 February 2017 8,335 4 View
Dear Colleagues, I would like to learn plant anatomy, I am searching for techniques which will allow me to realize successful and clear microtome slide and how we can preserve them longer.Thank...
03 February 2017 8,997 4 View
Dear Colleagues; What are in your opinion the best morphological criteria to be measured at plants treated with salt conditions?
03 February 2017 5,477 8 View
Dear colleagues, I wanted to know what is the right protocol that can combine the effect of drought and salt stress on young plants of Acacia aged 120 days cultivated in pots. I thought to reduce...
25 October 2016 1,987 5 View
Seed germination of Acacia.
20 June 2014 6,133 5 View
Dear RG Colleagues, We have started a reforestation project in an arid region and we want to know the answer to 'is this project successful ?'. Quite simply, what are the parameters that will...
01 January 1970 3,677 11 View
Dear RG Colleagues, I hope that the new year will be the best year of your life. May all your dreams come true and all your hopes be fulfilled! Happy New Year to you and your Family. Abdenour
01 January 1970 5,458 2 View