I think Yes, recently there are many new research articles published using the tracking detectors. We are working for the development of precise neutron imaging techniques at the world best precision by using particle tracking detectors (Nuclear emulsion and the FNTDs), My PHD work. Some of the notable research articles published by High Energy Nuclear Physics group at RIKEN are (I am also part of the group).
1. Investigation of neutron imaging applications using fine-grained nuclear emulsion
2. Unique approach for precise determination of binding energies of hypernuclei with nuclear emulsion and machine learning
3. Study on the reusability of fluorescent nuclear track detectors using optical bleaching (these tracking detectors can be used for the neutron imaging applications)
4. Precise measurement on the binding energy of hypertriton from the nuclear emulsion data using analysis with machine learning
After consulting IAEA and other sources, the following can be stated: Nuclear track research studies the tracks or traces left by charged particles in solid materials, such as plastics, glasses, or minerals. Nuclear track detectors can be used to measure the energy, direction, and identity of the particles and to reveal information about their sources and interactions.
Nuclear track research has many applications in various scientific and technological domains, such as:
Nuclear physics and astrophysics: Nuclear track detectors can be used to study nuclear reactions, fission and fusion processes, cosmic rays, solar neutrinos, and dark matter.
Geology and archaeology: Nuclear track detectors can be used to date rocks, minerals, fossils, and artifacts by measuring the accumulation of tracks from natural radioactivity or cosmic rays.
Environmental science and health: Nuclear track detectors can be used to monitor the levels of radon gas, a natural radioactive pollutant that can cause lung cancer, in indoor and outdoor air.
Biomedical science and engineering: Nuclear track detectors can be used to create micro- and nano-pores in membranes for drug delivery, biosensors, DNA sequencing, and cell sorting.
However, nuclear track research also faces some challenges and limitations that may affect its future prospects, such as:
The competition from other detection techniques, such as semiconductor detectors, scintillators, gas chambers, and calorimeters, that offer higher resolution, sensitivity, and speed.
The dependence on chemical etching, a process that enlarges the tracks by dissolving the material around them, which can introduce errors, uncertainties, and variations in the measurements.
The lack of standardization and automation in the analysis of nuclear tracks often requires manual counting, scanning, or imaging of the detectors.
Therefore, nuclear track research may not survive worldwide a decade more unless it can overcome these challenges and limitations. It may need to develop new methods and technologies to improve nuclear track detectors' performance, accuracy, and efficiency. It may also need to explore new applications and collaborations that can demonstrate the advantages and benefits of nuclear track research.