As long as the metal/polymer interface is intact high corrosion potentials result from the inhibition of the anodic metal dissolution whereas rather negative potentials are observed for a corroding metal/polymer interface. [ Stratmann et al. Corros. Sci. 32 (1991) 467–470]
Is this always the case? I saw some contradicting work. I must have missed some important point of the research here by
[Nazarov et al, D. Thierry, Scanning Kelvin probe study of metal/polymer interfaces, Electrochim. Acta. 49 (2004) 2955–2964],
which says that a metal-polymer interface potential can be negative or positive compared to the bare metal depending upon the dipole interaction between the metal and the polymer.
Can anyone Please point me where I have mistaken in understanding this?
Thank you very much