I have expressed my peptide (2.9 KDa) as a fusion protein to a 22 KDa protein in e coli (bl21 de3), and then cleave it off in vitro after Ni-NTA purification.  I have then purified further, and obtained pure peptide of the exact expected mass (many times).

Recently, I tried expressing the protein, purifying and characterizing though this time I only saw one product of exactly 108 mass units heavier than expected.  I re-expressed and purified again with fresh materials, and still I see the M+108 product only.  

This is strange because I have been using the same plasmid DNA miniprep for expression, the same batch of BL21 DE3 competent cells, exactly the same expression conditions, the same Ni-NTA column, and the same cleavage conditions and materials.  I have a small amount of the previous successful peptide preparation left and run the mass spec analysis in parallel to ensure the instruments are functioning properly, matrix (MALDI) and buffer (LCMS) are okay, and they are.  I see the peptide prepared last month at exactly the correct mass and retention time (LCMS) and the new batch at M+108 and a different retention time.

The problem doesn't seem to be unique to this peptide sequence.  I have expressed another peptide as a 'control' (same method but a different primary sequence) and also see only the M+108 mass peak.

if you have any insight into the issue, I would certainly appreciate it.

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