Hi all, I have been trying to isolate protoplast from in-vitro grown young leaves (by shredding into small pieces)of large cardamom (A. subulatum) belonging to Zingiberacea family in enzyme solution containing 2% cellulase RS and 0.5% Macerozyme R-10 (both Yakult pharmaceutical, japan) and other different enzyme concentration along with 0.5M mannitol, 5mM cacl2.2h2o, pH: 5.8 at different temperature range from 25-37oC(water bath/incubator), both shaking and static but the isolated protoplasts are very few along with the few undigested cells. I have tested enzyme in spinach, carrot at 37oC, it worked well and released protoplast within 1hr. But same condition is also not working in large cardamom. The enzymes hardly affect on maceration (as it remain intact in tissues when observed in microscope) and digestion of cell wall hardly takes place. Kindly help.