I am using a natural dye (strawberry, carrots, blueberry, turmeri, spinach , arabica robusca). I have the UV-VIs spectra of each. I can calculate the bandgap energy and HOMO and LUMO levels but I don't have or cannot find any researches about there electron density (CB and VB). The problem is that it is required to have this numbers for intial parameters in SCAPS 1D. So my question is that is it ok to use the initial parameters used of N719 dye (the only dye I have researched to have initial parameters in DSSC using SCAPS 1D) but I'll change the bandgap for different dye as I can calculate those. Also I was planning to add absorption spectra for each dye (As I have access to those). Can someone give me an advice or recommendation on what to do for this kind of problem. Also basics of SCAPS 1D (not just the manual) would really help.