13 February 2021 7 403 Report

Hi guys,

I am facing problems to interpret a DMA results.

Material: Composite Bisphenol A + curaua fiber

What is being tested: the influence of fiber volume on the composites properties (Matrix:Fibre tested proportions are 70:30, 60:40, 50:50)

No treatment were given to the fibers before incorporation.

Frequency: 1Hz

As one can see on the image, Tg clearly increase with the increasing fiber volume (dot-line curve). The first graphic (on top left) is pure epoxy. But, the E' (and E'', but I am more interested in the first) decreases: the continuos line represents the behaviour of E'. For instance, when starts the Tg rage, at 50ºC, for 70:30, one could say is prox. 6000MPa, 60:50 is 5000MPa and 50:50 is 4000MPa. I thought this was a bit strange. Does anyone has a clue? I think maybe the poor adhesion between fiber and matrix could explain this, but I am not sure. I know storage moduli and Young moduli are NOT THE SAME. But, the last one increases with the incresing fiber volume. That's why I am confused.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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