Chlorophyll is the most important pigment that participates in photosynthesis. It has been proved that more is the chlorophyll content per unit volume of cells more will be rate of photosynthesis. In normal environment, based on the plastochron index, C3 plants having more chlorophyll content of the mature leaves than C4 and CAM plants. Chlorophyll concentration can be affected by the species, environmental conditions, phase of leaves and plant growth, and nutrient status of the plants.
C3 photosynthesis only uses the Calvin cycle for fixing CO2 catalyzed by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), which takes place inside of the chloroplast in mesophyll cell. For C4 plants such as maize (NADP-ME subtype), photosynthetic activities are partitioned between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells that are anatomically and biochemically distinct. The initial carbon fixation is catalyzed by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) forming oxaloacetate (OAA) from CO2 and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). OAA is metabolized into malate, and then diffuses into the BS cell where it is decarboxylated to provide increased concentration of CO2 around Rubisco. Finally, the initial substrate of the C4 cycle, PEP, is regenerated in mesophyll cell by pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK) . The CO2 concentration mechanism suppresses the oxygenation reaction by Rubisco and the subsequent energy-wasteful photorespiratory pathway, resulting in increased photosynthetic yield and more efficient use of water and nitrogen comparing to C3 plants.Therefore genetic engineering of C4 features into C3 plants such as rice (Oryza sativa) has the potential to increase crop productivity .However, attempts to use these tools to engineer plant metabolism have met with limited success due to the complexity of plant metabolism. Genetic manipulations rarely cause the predicted effects, and new rate-limiting steps prevent the accumulation of some desired compounds
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Remember the basic principle of cellular functioning: the law of minimum energetic effort. The function of chlorophyll is to capturate light to participate as the first actress in photosynthesis, right? Each of this group of plants has a different way of fixing CO2, adapted to different light conditions, so they NEED to have different chorophyll concentrations to be effitient and never ever waist energy...