Silicon is widely available in the crest of earth and good to health,essential element for the life of all of living creatures. People, animals and even plants need this element. As for human beings, it plays a role in the formation of bone and connective tissue, enhances calcium and other minerals settling on bone tissue. In addition to this, silicon helps improve skin, hair, nail problems, amongst others.

It is important to emphasize that not all silicon forms are easily assimilated. Silicon must be found stabilized with marine collagen in the form of orthosilicic acid. This form can be perfectly absorbed and, consequently, with a higher bioavailability.

There are other silicon sources which are allowed and legal in Europe, such as silicon dioxide, silicic acid or vegetable sources as horsetail and bamboo; they appear as very unstable forms and are not easily absorbed.

The lack of silicon results in grooved nails, brittle hair or small scales in skin.

The lack of silicon can lead to skin problems, weak bones, hair loss and even cardiovascular disorders and arthritis.

Vegetables are the food products with the highest silicon content in a natural way. Plants and animals living into the sea absorb silicon naturally so that they can build and regenerate their cell walls. As vegetables like spinach do not need to be refined or processed like meat and cereals, they include the highest silicon and water content. so why we still need silicon?

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