Hello guys,
I am performing in IHC and I'm perfusing my mice and fixating them to extract the brain.
I'm new to this and I have performed some perfusions recently but I don't like the morphology I see under the microscope!
Now, we do have only 37% paraformaldehyde stock solution (Roth) and after I researched on the internet I found out that 10% formalin is equal to 4% PFA. My colleague always prepared 4%PFA from the 37% PFA but I suspected that this is correct and I started to prepare 10%. Could that be the reason for the bad morphology? Does it need optimization?
Here I state the steps I do for perfusion and fixation perhaps something here is not correct: I first perfuse the mouse with warm (37C) PBS. After that I perfusion it with cold 10% Formalin. I then post fixate for 24-48 hours in 10% Formalin.
Thanks for your answers and suggestions is advance!