09 September 2015 22 9K Report


I am simulating an axial flow air turbine (the Wells turbine for extracting wave energy) using MRF In fluent. The problem is when i calculate the blade torque, it gives a value close to zero!

The solution is converged well but the problem is with the moment report. my torque is very low . I tried different mesh topologies and all give me almost the same number (which is very low compared to experiments). Is there any adjustment that must be made in fluent before starting the calculations?

I divided the mesh into two domains. the first domain is the piping before and after the The turbine and the second domain contains the turbine blades. the domain containing the blades rotates at 2000 rpm while the other one is stationary. I meshed the geometry using Gambit. I assigned a rotational speed to the walls above the blades to maintain the turbine casing of the rotating domain relative to the blades. the turbulence model is k-epsilon high Reynolds number.

I am really grateful that guide me about this.




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