08 August 2016 3 6K Report

Hi we are examining CD81 expression in B cells, macrophages and neutrophils in PBL from mice. To this end, we collected 10 ul blood, lysed RBC, and stained in 10 ul antibody cocktail (B220, CD81, Ly6G, CD11b).

The CD81 staining was stable on B cells , but not on mac and Neut where the intensity varied up to 10x for the same mice in sequential experiments using the same prep of antibody cocktail. However, anti-Ly6G, which marks Neut, yielded consistent signals (as were CD11b and B220) and so the variability of CD81 is specific to CD81. Any advice? BTW, anti-CD81 (EAT2) is from Biolegend. Thx.

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