Conventionalism  is a philosophical concept whereby some principles or propositions, both cognitive and ethical- political are conventions, based on an agreement or a choice (even implicitly), can not be assessed in terms of truth or falsehood. This concept has been the subject of deep analysis since ancient times.

The conventionalist position has received one of the most original developments since the beginning of the twentieth century, following the construction of non-Euclidean geometry and the consequent denial of the obvious truth of the geometrical axioms. The reflections of the scientist and philosopher Mach, of  philosopher and historian of science Duhem, and especially of the great mathematician J.-H. Poincare contributed deeply to the conventionalist analysis of the development of the sciences.

Poincaré gave an important contribution for reflection on conventionalism both denying the validity of the Kantian theory, which considers the Euclidean geometry an ‘a priori’ science, and contrasting the idea that non-Euclidean geometry (and geometric systems in general) be empirically verifiable. No experience, for Poincare, will ever have the power to verify or falsify a geometrical theorem and the axioms of geometry are only conventions ("disguised definitions"), free creations particularly comfortable for the representation and the organization of experience.

Karl Popper in the ‘Logic of scientific discovery 'so spoke about conventionalism: "The philosophy of conventionalism must be considered highly meritorious for the way it has helped to clarify the relationship between theory and experiment. It acknowledged the importance, to which inductivists had paid so little attention, of the part that our actions and our operations, planned according to conventions and deductive reasoning, have in the execution and interpretation of our scientific experiments. I believe that conventionalism is a self-sufficient and defensible system. It is unlikely that attempts to grasp it in some contradictions be successful. "

A further extension of the conventionalist reflection comes from the development of the so-called hypothetical-deductive conception of axiomatic systems (G. Peano, Hilbert, M. Pieri etc.) and from the researches of the logical empiricists (Carnap, Ayer, Hempel, etc.). With the first, the concept of axiom lost any reference to the idea of value and the intuitive meaning of the terms given in the principles: axioms represent patterns of propositions that can be variously interpreted and from which, by rule, other propositions may be deducted.

The choice of axioms no longer supports their intrinsic intelligibility and evidence, but on their adequacy to systematize (axiomatizing) a given set of knowledge. If, however, in the initial hypothetical-deductive conception axioms of the theory, although arbitrary, were tied to a unique logic , with the logical empiricism, and particularly with Carnap, is to assert the purely conventional rules of logic he understood as a part of the language syntax.

This was a consequence of the development of the non-classical logical and was a meaningful expression in the Carnapian affirmation of the so-called ‘principle of tolerance’, according to which “in logic there is no moral "and each can build as its own logic dictated, i.e. its form of language, providing syntax rules  of consistency and deduction for the propositions of a logical system. Carnap later - following the influential Quine's objections to the possibility of providing a clear distinction between analytic statements (true for language) and synthetic statements (true based on the facts of experience) on which positivism based its epistemology - would extend the conventionalist principle also to some semantic aspects of language, with the proposal to consider analytic truths as the "meaning postulates" that is, conventional truths no further justified except by virtue of a pragmatic choice.

Forms of conventionalism are also present in the post-Popperian and post-positivist philosophy of science.

Particularly important in this context, took over the thesis of empirical under-determination of scientific theories (partly due to Duhem and partly to Quine) that different theories can be compatible with the same set of observational data, with the result that the choice between theories would be based on pragmatic considerations of simplicity and convenience (as well as in Poincare the choice between alternative geometries) rather than on their ability to provide a true representation of reality. This issue has been the focus of much debate over the issue of scientific realism.

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