I have immunized my mice with both DNA vaccine and phage DNA vaccines but after immunization I didn't get any antibody.

my vector is PCI mammalian over-expression vector. I have inserted my gene in the vector by subcloning. following is the order of the genetic elements i have in my gene.

His tag + COMP (cartilage oligomerization matrix protein) + P2 and P30 tetanus toxin epitopes + an N terminal domain of DKK1 protein (70 aa) + an C terminal domain of DKK1 protein

I have injected the vector both as naked DNA and packed in M13 phage without any adjuant. DNA vaccination (100-150 micro gram) was done both intramuscular and subcutaneous. Phage DNA vaccination was done intramuscular. immunization intervals were 2 weeks and bleeding was done 10 days after the last one.

I have performed ELISA test using the same protein expressed by pET32a vector in Ecoli and 1/500 dilution of the mice serum. but there was not any difference between control and test groups.

please help me if any one comes with a solution.

best regards


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