17 December 2014 12 946 Report

I have done site directed mutagensis by designing the primers at the mutation site, and whole plasmid amplification was performed using Hifidelity enzyme XT-20 (which can amplify up to 20 kb). The size of the whole plasmid here is 7 kb. After I got the PCR product. I have done the parental digestion using DPN1 (fast digestion for 10 minutes at 37 deg) and run both of them on the gel (picture provided- just beside the marker is after DPN1 digestion and right extreme is just after PCR amplification). I also have measured the amount of DNA which is around 52 ng/micrlitr. And I used 50 ng, 100 ng, 150 ng and 200 ng of DNA. But still I am not getting the transformation. Should I go for ligation step after this? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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