Given the history, it's hard to come to any other conclusion than the objective of the Zionists running the Israeli government are finishing up the last two steps of a program begun in 1948: the cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank of Palestinians - this despite the long-standing opposition of a great many Jews in Israel, e.g., Torah Jews and Jews-for-Peace, who have been filling the streets of Tel Aviv and even cities outside of Israel for weeks. They can do this because the US government, continuing its long-standing practice of supporting the Zionist government, continues to supply the weapons of mass destruction which have leveled so much of Gaza. WHY this particular US administration continues these policies - despite widespread opposition at home which threatens a reduction in votes for Biden in the next election, by both Jews and non-Jews, I leave to your imagination. If the reason is the common one of retaining Jewish votes, current policies seem counter-productive. If it's the OTHER common rationale - maintaining Israel as the core of US allies in the Middle East - the effects of the effective erasure of Palestine as a cultural and political entity on neighboring states remains to be seen.