One of the most important things we have

The Palestine Liberation Organization renounces terrorism and violence (prohibits armed attacks against Jews) and deletes lines of resistance in its charter as registered socialist action (messages for communication - first speech)

Recognizes the Palestine Liberation Organization as the legitimate representative of the Palestinians. (Exchange of letters - second speech)

The Palestine Liberation Organization recognizes the State of Israel (78% of the territory of Palestine - that is, all of Palestine except the West Bank and Gaza).

Within years, Israel will withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza Strip in stages, the first of which is Jericho and Gaza, which extend 1.5% of the land of Palestine.

Israel recognizes the right of the Palestinians to establish self-rule (later known as the Palestinian National Authority) despite the interest it withdraws from it in the West Bank and Gaza (self-rule for the Palestinians and not an autonomous association).

More items and more:

Establishes a council independent of the Palestinian section of the Palestinian Authority.

Establish a police force in order to maintain security throughout the diverse areas of the Palestinian Authority.

Israel is still far from protecting the autonomous region from any external aggression (there is no Palestinian army for the Palestinian Authority).

After three years, “permanent status negotiations” begin. Negotiations are determined between those wishing to obtain a settlement to market rights. These important points include:

Jerusalem (who controls East and West Jerusalem, the holy places and their residents...etc.).

Refugees (right of return, right to compensation, etc.).

The content in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (is it disintegration, existence, or emphasis on a person and its responsibilities, or the army - see the picture).

Security arrangements (the amount of forces and weapons preferred within the framework of self-rule, and cooperation and coordination between the Palestinian military police and the Palestinian army). aliveOne of the most important things we have The Palestine Liberation Organization renounces terrorism and violence (prohibits armed attacks against Jews) and deletes lines of resistance in its charter as registered socialist action (messages for communication - first speech) Recognizes the Palestine Liberation Organization as the legitimate representative of the Palestinians. (Exchange of letters - second speech) The Palestine Liberation Organization recognizes the State of Israel (78% of the territory of Palestine - that is, all of Palestine except the West Bank and Gaza). Within years, Israel will withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza Strip in stages, the first of which is Jericho and Gaza, which extend 1.5% of the land of Palestine. Israel recognizes the right of the Palestinians to establish self-rule (later known as the Palestinian National Authority) despite the interest it withdraws from it in the West Bank and Gaza (self-rule for the Palestinians and not an autonomous association). More items and more: Establishes a council independent of the Palestinian section of the Palestinian Authority. Establish a police force in order to maintain security throughout the diverse areas of the Palestinian Authority. Israel is still far from protecting the autonomous region from any external aggression (there is no Palestinian army for the Palestinian Authority). After three years, “permanent status negotiations” begin. Negotiations are determined between those wishing to obtain a settlement to market rights. These important points include: Jerusalem (who controls East and West Jerusalem, the holy places and their residents...etc.). Refugees (right of return, right to compensation, etc.). The content in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (is it disintegration, existence, or emphasis on a person and its responsibilities, or the army - see the picture). Security arrangements (the amount of forces and weapons preferred within the framework of self-rule, and cooperation and coordination between the Palestinian military police and the Palestinian army). alive

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