I'm doing a metalloimmunoassay involving conjugation of an antibody to silver nanoparticles for reporter formation.  Long story short, I've gotten the assay to work well, but my signals are 10x lower when I dilute the antigen in urine and incubate the capture antibodies in spiked urine.  Since the urine is washed away before the reporter is added, the loss of signal comes from antibody-antigen interaction, not from urine's effect on the reporting mechanism (a whole different story).  My thoughts are either something (e.g. urea) is destroying the antibodies or target, or something is binding to the antibodies or target.  Since immunoassays have worked well in urine in the past (home pregnancy test), I'm trying to figure out what's going on.  One thing to note is that a LOT of antibodies are used in the home pregnancy test while I'm using 10 ug/mL capture and reporter reagents, both of which are effectively < 10 ug/mL (especially the reporter).

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