I have two antibodies that are staining well in IHC but not in IF for tissue sections, when using the same concentration and antigen retrieval method for both. I also know the secondary works well.
I agree with Subhash C. Juneja , While IHC typically is performed in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, IF needs to be done with cryotome sectioning (frozen or PFA, sucrose fixed) where an antigen retrieval step is not required.
You have to differentiate between paraffin (ffpe) sections and frozen sections. If both tissue types are formalin fixed and the antibody ist suitable for formalin fixed tissue , then it should work but you have to find out the optimal dilution for your primary antibody, because for IF IHC you need higher concentrations. If the antibody is only used for native (unfixed tissue) and you like to use it on fixed tissue then I would recommand to look for another antibody.