Hello everybody, I am having issues in constructing/ cloning a plasmid in TOP10 E. coli cell lines.

We started contructing with a pGEX plasmid and our inserts (length: appr. 250 bp and 350 bp). Then we transformed a TOP10 E. coli cell line via heatshock to clone the plasmid. What we observe is that the cells don’t grow quite well on our 50 µg/mL ampinicillin agar plates and when we pick colonies for an overnight culture they wont grow in 100 µg/mL amp. fluid LB medium at all.

We purify DNA with a Kit from Stratec. Any experiences with small DNA fragments?

What about other cell lines?

I know there many things I didn't wrote here, if you have questions please ask!

Thanks for helping 

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