So I have been struggling to get a successful western blot using MIN6 derived EVs, and it has been a real struggle.
Everytime I isolate my EVs, and after lysing them, I run the proteins in the gel and see not band at all. I use coomassie blue or the stainfree precast gels to check the run.
The ladder shows up fine though.
After lysing my EVs, I measure the protein amount using microBCA, and when I diluted the sample 1/2 I got a final concentration of around 200ug/ml, and when I diluted it 1/10 I got a final concentration of 400ug/ml. This is already weird but I still loaded my sample assuming I had 200ug/ml to be on the safe side, and I used 4x laemmli in order to avoid unecessary dilutions, and using my calculations I should have loaded around 15ug/ml. But the imaging showed no protein at all, and now I am really puzzled. (the first band is the ladder, and I am supposed to see two bands on the left side of it).
Brifely here are the steps i followed:
-Collect media from min6 cells (150ml)
-Centrifuge 500g/10min, collect supernatant, centrifuge 2000g for 20min, collect supernatant,ultracentrifuge 120000g for 90min(4C), keep the pellet and wash with pbs 150000g for 70min(4C).
-Finally I diluted the pellet in 500ul of PBS and store at -80C.
-Take 100ul of my ev sample, put it in a 10k column, centrifuge at 1400g/15min at 4C, add 500ul of 1XRIPA to my concentrate, spin 14000g/15min 4c. Put the column upside down in the tube and spin 2000g/2min. Add 70ul of RIPA and incubated on ice for 15min, then spin again 14000g/15min 4c and collect supernatant, and put on ice until further use.
I use stain free anyKd precast gels with 50ul wells, and I use for the prep solution :4x leammli(900ul)+b-mercaptoethanol(100ul), because I am looking for tsg101 antibody. I then mix 1/8th of prep solution with 7/8th of my lysed sample. Heat up at 70C 10min, and load the sample in the well, run at 120v/1h.
I don't know what went wrong.
I trying once running the gel with unlysed EVs, and I got a faint band when I did coomassie blue, so maybe the lysis is wrong, or the initial amount of conditioned media is too low, as I saw some people starting with 1-2liters.
I would be grateful if anyone can help.