Dear all, 

I amplified a sequence from a plasmid template. The amplicons will serve as templates for IVT. The amplicon is 500bp in size, while the plasmid is about 2000bp in size. I do not wish to have a mixture of my plasmids and the amplicon for IVT. Hence, I electrophoresed the products. Sharp, clean bands representing DNA fragments 500bp in size could be seen. I proceeded to extract the DNA represented by the bands. I used the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit and followed the protocol supplied with the kit. However, I added 10ul of sodium acetate, 3M, pH 5.2, to the mixture of solubilised agarose and QG buffer regardless of the color of the QG buffer.

Upon the addition of isopropanol, a white precipitate formed, and appeared like the interphase observed in phenol chloroform extraction of DNA. Following the protocol, I mixed the solution well. The precipitate was thick enough to clog my pipette tips. After vigorous mixing, I proceeded with the protocol. 

After elution, I checked the quality and quantity of the DNA using a Nanodrop ND1000 spectrophotometer. The OD260/280 was 25.84, and the yield was 5.4ng/ul (in 40ul of Buffer EB). 

Can someone explain to me (1) what caused the poor yield and quantity (2) what the white precipitate that formed was likely to be (3) if the substance that the spectrophotometer detects is even DNA. 

Thank you! 

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