Hello there, I am currently working in an absolute quantification with RT-qPCR. I have a synthetic standard of 150 pb approximately. I have made 1:10 dilutions with the same standard but when I see the results displayed on the equipment, the Ct are similar in all my dilutions, they don’t achieve 3.3 cycles of difference between one dilution and other. Furthermore, I have tried with a positive sample, with this one, the results are good but not with the standard.
For example:
Dilution_2e7 copies/ul the Ct value is 20.43
Dilution_2e6 copies/ul the ct value is 21.59
Dilution_2e5 copies/ul the ct value is 21.61
Dilution_2e4 copies/ul the ct value is 21.38
Can you please help me to understand what can be happening?