I am working on mouse embryonic stem cells (R1) and have been facing a lot of problems of late in its culture. After reviving, the cells grow fine on feeders for about 2passages. In the third passage, they start dying off, their morphology looks like apoptosized cells, colonies disintegrate and a lot of debris is formed in the media. I have checked for mycoplasma but the test results came negative.
I grow the cells in high glucose DMEM supplemented with 15%FBS, 1%NEAA, 0.1%Beta-mercaptoethanol, L-gulatmine and LIF. This behavior has been quite consistent and I have also tried with different batches of cells. Can anyone figure out what might be going wrong? Moreover, its only the ES cells are dying off; underlying MEF feeders seem fine. Ther's also no visible contamination.
Is there any strain of mycoplasma that is not detected by the conventional PCR test kits?