I have a compound (C23N3OH27) to repeat some results with a molecular weight of 361.48. The problem is that the results are not being the same, I am evaluating cell viability (K562 and KG1) with resazurin (24 hours of plating 20.000 cells/100uL, 24 hours of treatment 100uL, 4 hours of resazurin 20uL) and the results lead us to believe that it does not induce death in any of the cases. concentrations tested (30 uM, 20uM, 10uM, 5uM, 1uM), I have already evaluated cellular metabolism, resazurin, interaction of the compound with resazurin and none explains the reason for not repeating the results. I am suspicious that it could be my dilution, I used a table from a colleague that performs the calculation automatically. Could someone help me to do the dilution directly just so I can assess if it's correct? I have 5g powder of the compound which was diluted in 2305.34uL of 100% DMSO, which according to the table gave me a solution of 6,000uM, I don't know if that's correct.

obs: my controls (+/-) are responding well so I don't believe it's the resazurin or the plating

Thanks for all contributions!

I have attached the dilution table below.

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