15 January 2023 3 7K Report

Size of my gene of interest cloned into pet 28 alpha 6857bp. After transformation I did plasmid digestion with ingle enzyme xhoI. But the single band size is not equal to total size 6857 instead the band size is near to 4500bpb. I don't know why this happen kindly picked 18 transformants and did a colony PCR for my insert, 2 came out positive. I did miniprep on those two and a diagnostic restriction digest with the same enzymes, buffer, conditions etc. as used for my cloning, but when I ran the gel I just got one band at the top (undigested plasmid) and another at ~3 kb. Nothing of the correct size for my insert or the plasmid... has anyone else experienced this? What should I do ? Please pray

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