09 September 2014 3 705 Report

I am undertaking immunohistochemistry on sections from a knockout mouse line we have. The issue I am having is that in the final steps of the protocol, a number of ethanol baths (50%, 70%, 95%, 100% and 100% for 3 minutes each) are undertaken, followed by placing the sections on the slides and a xylene bath for 15-20 minutes. I complete the first of the 100% ehtanol baths and the sections are coming out very dry, I would describe them as crispy even. This causes problems as they are not then sticking to the slides when placing them in the xylene. When trying to bypass the xylene step and just mounting the coverslip, the sections end up getting crushed and crumble making them unusable. Has anyone else come across this problem and if so what were their solutions to it? 

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