I have used Albacore (v2.3.3) to basecall my minION data locally on my machine. Within the produced "workspace" directory albacore is outputing two folders ("pass" and "fail") based on the qscore threshold set. However there are also 32 ".fast5" files that have not been placed in either of the "pass" or "fail" folders and are just sitting in the "workspace" folder. Does anyone know why these have not been placed in either the pass or fail folders? Has albacore just failed to move them to either "pass" or "fail" after basecalling? Is there another reason?

My summary file notes that a total of 247636 fast5 files were basecalled, however only 247604 total files are in the "pass" and "fail" folders. In other words, it seems the 32 spare .fast5 files have been basecalled, but for some reason left in the "workspace" directory.


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