12 December 2013 14 7K Report


Thank you to everyone who helped! Although it turns out that the issue lay in the plants, I have learned a lot about how others handle proteins and have improved my overall technique. After much testing, it turns out that eIF2A is MUCH more strongly phosphorylated in un-expanded leaves, and the older the leaf is, the less phosphorylated eIF2A is present. As I try to use mature leaves in my experiment, this has caused the difficulties described below. It turns out that my western blot was working perfectly - there really was a difference in the amount of phosphorlyated eIF2A present in my samples.


Using an eIF2A-P specific antibody on total plant protein extracted from Round-up (glyphosate) treated N. benthamiana, only some of my lanes show the presence of the eIF2A protein. All samples should contain the protein as glyphosate has been shown to trigger eIF2A phosphorylation via GCN2. Positive control working (data not shown).

Roundup is working. 150umol Roundup is sufficient to cause eIF2A phosphorylation in A. thaliana. Gel is loaded carefully with no spilling. SDS-PAGE running smoothly. Transfer is working. Antibodies are binding correctly. I suspect user error, not issues with materials due to the perfectly alternating bands. Bands in other gels also alternate. Any suggestions?

IMAGE: eIF2A-P shows at 37kDa, the band at 50kDa is Rubisco. All lanes contain equal amounts of protein.

METHOD: Total plant protein extracted using equal volume buffer (20mM HEPES, 0.1M KCl, 10% glycerol, 5mM MgCl2, 5mM MgSO4, with 10µL/mL of Sigma Protease Inhibitor Cocktail and 10µL/mL β-mercaptoethanol added directly before use) to plant tissue, ground mechanically, then centrifuged to remove all cell debris.

Plant protein measured via Qubit fluorometer, 10ug protein loaded into an Eppendorf test tube and the total volume made up to 22µL with SDS loading buffer (1% SDS, 10mM Tris-HCl (pH 6.8), 1mM EDTA, 80mM DTT). To this 3µL of loading dye (0.5mg/mL bromphenol blue in glycerol) was added. Samples heated at 85'C for 5 mins, loaded into 10% Acrylamide 2% SDS etc gel, run, transferred onto 0.45µm PVDF Millipore Immobilon-P Membrane in transfer buffer ( 20% methanol, 192mM glycine, 25mM TRIS-HCl (pH 8.3)) at 90A for 16 hours. Stained with Ponceau S.

Antibodies working well, so I won't describe that. Chemiluminescent exposure.

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