Your question is a very good one but I feel maybe it could be rephrased to include the role of memory in heart transplant patients.
"Studies done and books written about transplanted hearts, both by researchers and by people who receive a heart transplant, reveal that between 5 and 10 percent of the people who receive a transplanted heart report changes in their tastes, personalities, and most extraordinary, in their memories (Skofield, 2012). In Lindard, 2016, p. 137)
One person who received a heart from a man who had shot himself, later married the widow, and 12 years later he too shot himself. Also a child who had received the heart of a little girl who had been murdered, began to have visions, and these visions let the arrest of the person who murdered the little girl.
So it seems that some people who receive the heart of another, can access memories or at least memories of events which happened to the person donating the heart.
This area is under researched and clearly takes some sorts of memory out of the brain. As I say in my thesis - people received new hearts not new brains. Based on this I call for further research in this area and how memory can be accessed.
Consciousness and cognition is only attributed to a circuit of neurons. Other organs are just supportive and may share the chemical interactions.
I have lot of works for publication explaining quantum consciousness and differentiating the biological and chemical and cognitive roles.
Still some of the professors want to dictate whole scientific knowledge by 'Recommendations' and 'guidance' . Why recommendations are required when it is open to all. Recommendations suppress the talent .
"If we say new theories, it will not be accepted by conventional journals.They will reject it after taking that basic idea.If we publish our original ideas in any open access journals, others will cry on us and will say this is not correct because the journal or conference is predatory.and they will view it as a crime." What is wrong in presenting a idea after "'years together cultivated thought"' narrow mindedness and selfishness is existing still to day.