Every person who chooses to participate in moral cultivation is enriched in their being and more closely approximates their essence, thereby helping to overcome their existential estrangement.
Some morality concepts are cultivated by my parents in my childhood. Other some are cultivated by some of my teachers as well as the society in which i belong to. These are controlling me in many aspects of life.
I don't know whether I am benefited by these or not, but the society is definitely benefited. I would have been another hard core criminal if no moral sense was cultivated within me..
Everybody with an open heart benefits on a daily basis by the cultivation of morality by others. Perhaps, the best method of teaching is by example; however, instruction in morality may also have positive consequences if pursued.
Your question appears to reveal a confusion. Restated it could read: What does one obtain from becoming a person whose ultimate basis for motivation has nothing to do with what one might obtain?
I do not think this question letting people do nothing but thinking. The real moral cultivation is not only thinking, self-reflection, but also ought express moral in conversation and behaviors.
Please read The Compassion of Mayor LaGuardia at http://www.suddenlysenior.com/compassionlaguardia.html
Hope this article can give you some hint. Philosophy guides people to think right and lead people to act right. Hope after your thinking and modeling behavior, you can influence more people positively.
In the traditional Chinese culture, we are used to emphasizing the “moral cultivation”. In English, perhaps use the words “consciously transform to be subconscious or super-conscious purity or having a noble spirit. That means when one has more knowledge, he/she will be humble, collaborate with the environment instead of being self-centered as well as take more responsibilities for the society and future generations. Feeling a high spirit is a result of moral cultivation. Being more humble does not mean compromise for everything but to stick with an ethic (though it changes with the culture and time period) and truth that’s value passes the test of time in the long run.
It's glad to learn that you have spent 50 years in your life to awaken people's moral cultivation. Indeed, the standard or the ethic are forever existing as universal codes. No matter how time, value changed in human society, the universal moral codes are always the same.
When materialization and technologies are more blooming, the moral codes are more neglected as well as be replaced by deluxe materials show off and enjoyments. Many people mistreat the financial disadvantage, kind people, environment and the other creature, despite their survival rights and needs as well as without thinking the karma.
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By Newsday.com staffUpdated August 26, 2017 9:12 PM
I use to work with three different views of moral: Aristotle's virtue doctrin, Kant's Cathegorical Imperative and Bentham's utilitarian concept of moral where not the individual person but but a better state of community plays role. Kan'ts valuates the motives (conscience), not the consequences (good will must have good consequences is the maxim), utilitarian moral or ethics see only on the consequences of acting, the motives are not so much relevant.
Thanks for sharing. What you mentioned are human being's standard instead of the forever universal standards. However, the universe has its rules to regulate the whole universe. The moral standard is one of the them.
Now, I would like to also share with you three kind tests to test moral or not:
When practice DA Zhou Tian https://universaltcm.com/da-zhou-tian/ after both hands have the healing power, in my book https://www.amazon.com/dp/1517705088 mentioned about at the moment of the wanting gratitude, sharing can increase the Qi flowing in the body can be times stronger than before. It means that moral is directly related to our health. It's due to the healthier of a person, the stringer his Qi flows in his body.
Rub two palms together until they are warm. Put them on the thigh, can feel both palms have the same temperature. Raise one hand and talk to the palm gently: "I love you!". three to five times. Immediately, Raise anther hand and talk to the palm: "I hate you!" as many times and loud as talking to the other hand. Then, put both of them on the thighs again. Can feel the hand heard "I love you!" is warmer than the other one. You can talk about any of two opposite moral words with your hands to test which one is the real moral.
Align both hands on one wrist stripe, you can see both hands' middle fingers have the same length. Then, talk with both hands as 2 above. Then, align both hands at the same wrist strip. You can discover that the hand be told positive energy word like "love", its middle finger is longer than other hand which heard a negative energy word.
If you want, you can test some other words.
Our heart, our intention does count on our moral practice. It's due to intention generating action and action generating results. Results have their effects. Please read https://lawsoftheuniverse.weebly.com/law-of-cause-and-effect.html
A person with good intention, prolonged, his/her face can show a noble, kind, pleasant expression.
Moral cultivation in human being is reinforced by 'Self reflection', 'Self regulation' and 'Self reliance'. Morals have 'Intrinsic value' produce human value and self respect in society.
Purity of mind is spiritual route to reinforced self reflection and generally strengthen morals as phenomenon is introvert in nature and subjective in principle
The benefits of putting moral behaviors can be reflected in a better understanding of what we are as human beings. Additionally, the other as a similar allows a shared space of dialogue and mutual growth. Recognize human values, can serve to understand and assimilate normative changes. The inclusion of the different seen as an opportunity for cultural amplitude. Finally, a significant contribution of sincere moral conduct lays the foundations for the reduction of violence and the imposition