I have data showing which month a disease started for 119 subjects. The months are represented by 1-12 (Jan - December). We hypothesize the disease more often onsets during winter months. What test should I use?

This is the data we have.

Month Number of people with disease onset in this month

1 11

2 9

3 10

4 7

5 7

6 5

7 9

8 9

9 16

10 11

11 14

12 11

So far, I've attempted to use a Poisson test in SPSS and my interpretation of the results is that there's no significant difference from a random distribution (Omnibus test 0.155 significance).

However, I was hoping I could confirm with someone that this is the correct test and that I'm interpreting this accurately? Just eye-balling the data suggests there does seem to be less counts in the summer months, so I was a bit surprised there was no significance.

If there's a different test I should do in SPSS, please let me know!

Thank you.

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