I am a Master's student and currently doing my dissertation. I am struggling to choose a statistical analysis to prove my hypothesis as most of the statistical tests involve an independent and dependant variable whereas in my questionnaire, I asked the people to respond to a given set of statements on a 5-point Likert scale which directly asks them to respond to statements involving both the items I want to test.

For eg- my H1: eWOM influences the purchase intention of a smartphone.

For this hypothesis,  I asked them 2 statements which were:

“To buy a smartphone, I would consult eWOM (such as online reviews, comments, blogs, articles, video reviews, etc) by other users/peers/influencers to make a decision.”

“eWOM by other users/peers/influencers about a smartphone is an important part of my purchase decision making.” Most people 'somewhat agreed' or 'strongly agreed' to the statements but I don't know how to prove it statistically or in a way which is acceptable.

Similarly, for other hypotheses, I have done the same with 2-3 statements where the statements directly asked them. I have attached a file with this for a better understanding.

Your help will be greatly appreciated!

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