For my research on the differences in drying locations I need to know how much impact transport has on the moisture content. For this question consider all variables need to be uniform, the wood is transported in a closed truck etc.
It is up to some properties such as resin content, lumen diameter, cell wall thicknees etc. If They are same value for two specimens, Radiata pine which has 2% moisture content absorbs moisture faster than other.
Mustafa is correct. In the wildfire behaviour world, we examine biomass moisture in the context of changes in flammability under varying weather conditions. Look up the concept of timelag moisture class; this describes the time it takes for a sample with a given moisture content to reach 2/3 of the difference toward a new equilibrium moisture content, when brought into a new moisture environment. A video which explains some of this (in the context of forest fire danger in Canada) is found in the link below (the explanation of moisture decay starts around 3:49 in the video).