I am going to use my sample in liquid form to test its effects on 3T3L-1 cells. How can I determine the exact volume or dose for the experiment? For example, I may test in vivo using the animal recommended daily intake as guideline.
3T3-L1 murine adipocytes have been fundamental in metabolic disease research for over 30 years. Originally derived from Swiss mouse embryo tissue by Dr. Howard Green of Harvard Medical School, the 3T3-L1 system has been pivotal in advancing the understanding of basic cellular mechanisms associated with diabetes, obesity and related disorders.
The dosage to be used for invitro and invivo systems vary. One of the ways to determine effective dosage is IC-50. Also, to know more about the compound used, MTT assay is recommended. When it comes to animal model, again the species used will determine permitted dosage. You can visit animal ethics website prior to making your decision.