Greetings All,
I am going to teach "Sales Management" Course for undergraduates level 3 and 4, therefore I am looking for a textbook with recent concepts, up-to-date examples, and easy-to-follow text. The textbook should facilitate the gradual knowledge building for students.
I have narrowed down my list to 2 textbooks but I still need to choose only one to be used as the main reference for the course. They are as follows:
1. Selling and Sales Management 10th ed.
Author:David Jobber; Geoffrey Lancaster.
Pearson, 2015.
2. Sales Management : Analysis and Decision Making, 9th ed.
Author:Thomas N Ingram; Raymond W LaForge; Ramon A Avila; Charles H Schwepker Jr; Michael R Williams.
Taylor and Francis, 2015.
It would be highly appreciated to hear from those who have taught/ teach a similar class and grad level about these 2 options and which one they think is better to use.
However, I am open for any other suggestions but the textbook should be 2015 and above and suitable to be used as a main reference by the undergards.
Last note, I am look for a "Sales Management" not a "Personal Selling" textbooks.
Thanking you in advance.