I have created three logistic models, model 4, 1 and 2, and calculated AICc values for each. Both model 4, with 2 covariates (location and camera), and model 1, with a single covariate (location), have approximately equivalent AICc values (less than 2 points). In this case one should chose the model with the least parameters, this is model 6 with only location included. However, to make things more confusing the likelihood ratio tests for model 4 vs 1 and model 4 vs 2 suggest that having location and camera in the same model is better than just having location or just camera. This contradicts the AICc values. So which model would you choose? I provide an example below. Thanks in advance.
> # location as a covariate on abundance
> m1 m1
occuRN(formula = ~1 ~ location, data = final)
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.01 0.704 2.86 4.24e-03
location2 -2.19 0.547 -4.02 5.94e-05
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
-2.32 0.756 -3.07 0.00215
AIC: 162.7214
> # camera as a covariate on detection
> m2 m2
occuRN(formula = ~camera ~ 1, data = final)
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
0.682 0.371 1.84 0.0657
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.589 0.763 -3.392 0.000694
camera2 1.007 0.774 1.301 0.193247
camera3 2.007 0.785 2.557 0.010555
camera4 0.639 0.803 0.796 0.425864
AIC: 178.696
# camera as a covariate on detection, location as covariate on abundance
> m4 m4
occuRN(formula = ~camera ~ location, data = final)
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.71 0.319 8.49 2.06e-17
location2 -2.25 0.509 -4.41 1.03e-05
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
(Intercept) -4.050 0.616 -6.571 5.00e-11
camera2 1.030 0.620 1.660 9.69e-02
camera3 1.776 0.613 2.897 3.76e-03
camera4 0.592 0.642 0.922 3.57e-01
AIC: 157.2511
> model_list model_names modelsel modelsel
Model selection based on AICc:
K AICc Delta_AICc AICcWt Cum.Wt LL
model4 6 163.25 0.00 0.61 0.61 -72.63
model1 3 164.13 0.88 0.39 1.00 -78.36
modelnull 2 181.06 17.81 0.00 1.00 -88.20
model2 5 182.70 19.44 0.00 1.00 -84.35