There are different following steps where sulphur can be removed: in the Blast Furnace (BF), during Hot Metal (HM) pretreatment, in the Converter and during the Secondary Metallurgy (SM). Conditions required for For Sulphur Removal are low oxygen activity and a basic slag. In the BF appreox 90% of the sulphur is removed; still, the HM contains about 0.03% of sulphur. Basic slag helps desulphurisation in the converter. However, sulphur increase is not uncommon in the converter due to high oxygen activity and sulphur input via scrap and additions. For low sulphur concentrations Secondary Metallurgy De-sulphurisation, with low oxygen activity and a basic slag, is required.
There is no such a tool or equipment for removing sulphur or phosphorus in liquid steel. You need to control your process in order to remove or control those elements in melt.
For sulphur removal, the activity of oxygen has to be lower. Before BOF process, the steelmaking shops usually desuphurises hot metal with using sulphur removal agents [Ca, Mg etc.] After BOF process, it is possibe to decrease sulphur content with a proper slag form and bottom stirring, etc.
In steelmaking conditions, unlike suplhur, phosphorus can be removed with oxygen blowing process. Thus, BOF process is suitable for this purpose. But, depending on the element's oxidation affinities there might some disadvantageous sides of phosphorus removal in BOF.