PIg and HIVE are used when you are interested to perform analysis on HDF file. if you have CSV file then first perform analysis on R and Weka which will gave you better way of exploration. You can also used RapidMiner. PIG and HIVE does not gave you algorithm based data Exploration!
Hello Hitesh! Nice to know that you are interested in Big data analysis. Most of the people having conventional background of data bases, datasets, and data warehousing actually miss the essence of big data while analyzing. Big data is different than conventional data systems in terms of speed, variety, value, and size therefore conventional systems are not feasable for data analysis. Big data is first dumped into large scale computational infrastructures like grids, clusters and clouds and then analyzed using different data mining tools.
You can use python, scikit-learn, Pig, Hive, MOA, SAMOA, Storm, and many other tools. This tool selection depends upon the type of problem you are going to solve using big data and the type of patterns you want to uncover within. Therefore, there os no single tool that could be termed as "best" in this case.
If you want to learn more about big data, big data mining, and mobile data mining you can have a look at following studies.
Big data are very likely to be heavy-tailed, so head/tail breaks is a useful tool; see examples in the following papers:
Jiang B. (2015), Head/tail breaks for visualization of city structure and dynamics, Cities, 43, 69-77, Preprint: http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1501/1501.03046.pdf
Jiang B. and Miao Y. (2014, accepted), The evolution of natural cities from the perspective of location-based social media, The Professional Geographer, xx(xx), xx-xx, DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2014.968886, Preprint: http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.6756