Which is the best solvent to extract natural coumarins from their natural sources? The extraction method I decided to employed is the microwave-aided technique.
I highly appreciate your answer and that of Prof. Frank T. Edelmann. Unfortunately, this grade of polymer is not available in my country because of the current circumstances. Please, can you advise me to apply another type of polymer or solvent mixture?
Dear Yasser Fakri Mustafa, since your decided to use a microwave-aided technique, I suggest that you check out the following article entitled "Study of polyethylene glycol as a green solvent in the microwave-assisted extraction of flavone and coumarin compounds from medicinal plants". The paper is available on ResearchGate.
Article Study of polyethylene glycol as a green solvent in the micro...
Yes Sir. Water and aqueous ethanol were inappropriate extracting vehicles. Ethanol and methanol are a satisfying solvents but the isolation of natural coumarins via column chromatography is complicated by the presence of flavonoids. Therefore, I need an advice to resolve this issue
Dear Yasser Fakri Mustafa, thank you for the information. Attached please find a very useful review article which might help you finding the right solvents. Both coumarins and flavonoids are mentioned in this paper. Good luck!
Dear all, my contribution is an addition and an extension to Prof. Frank T. Edelmann's answer. Among polyethylene glycols I bring your attention to PEG-400, which has a genious effect on the kinetics and feasability of chemical reactions. My Regards
I highly appreciate your answer and that of Prof. Frank T. Edelmann. Unfortunately, this grade of polymer is not available in my country because of the current circumstances. Please, can you advise me to apply another type of polymer or solvent mixture?
PEGs are not found in the restricted list of forbidden chemical, this is a true comment. But, the comprehensive curfew and the difficulty in reaching the capital, Baghdad, resulted in the lack of this polymer in my college.
Dear Yasser Fakri Mustafa sorry to hear about these problems. As a possible alternative, please find attached an article describing the isolation of two coumarins from natural sources. In this case, the main solvent for extraction is methanol.
The best solvent to extract natural coumarins . If coumarin is in the form of glycoside then methanol or ethanol will be good solvents for extraction. If it is free the n-hexane or pet. ether can be used as solvents for extraction..