I have two columns Atlantis and Symmetry (Waters). Earlier, I used Symmetry and my seperation wasn't great. Afterwards I used Atlantis and I got the seperation much better than symmetry but right now my seperation is disturbed. What is happening ?
Can you right here the Chromatographic conditions Like Mobile Phase, Buffer pH, Diluent etc so that I can help you to suggest equivalent column if possible send me on chromatogram of your analysis with detail Chromatographic conditions.
Mobile phase is 92% Methanol and 8% buffer (Formic acid 0.3%) pH is 2. Column heater temperature is 20 degree. I send u the chromatogram lcmsms is the earlier one and lc i had done last week. I made my standards in methanol water (8:2).
Your column may not be stable at lower pH,You can use Xterra MS-C18 or spherisorb ODS-2 columns. These are equivalent columns which are stable at pH-2.Tri experiment with 20 to 40 % buffer or water in methanol. Wash column with 50 % water in methanol or 50% Water in Acetonitrile at list for 1 Hrs after analysis .Also refer attached file.