I was trying to get an easier/improved method for Thioflavin S staining and came across different authors some of which said Thioflavin S stains tau-based neurofibrillary tangles/paired helical filaments (NFTs/PHF) (Sun, Nguyen, and Bing 2002; Liu et al. 2012; Santa-Maria et al. 2007)as against the Amyloid βeta plaques that I’ve always thought Thioflavin S labels (Bussière et al. 2004; Ly, Cai, and Song 2011; Urbanc et al. 2002).
Can someone kindly help clarify this? Given that both Aβ -plaques and NFTs are expected to be found in Alzheimer’s disease brains, how then does one interpret ThioflavinS-positive inclusions? Do you just say it’s both or you choose whichever one you prefer? Any help will be appreciated.
The references are here attached.
Bussière, Thierry, Frédérique Bard, Robin Barbour, Henry Grajeda, Terry Guido, Karen Khan, Dale Schenk, Dora Games, Peter Seubert, and Manuel Buttini. 2004. “Morphological Characterization of Thioflavin-S-Positive Amyloid Plaques in Transgenic Alzheimer Mice and Effect of Passive Aβ Immunotherapy on Their Clearance.” The American Journal of Pathology 165 (3) (September): 987–995.
Liu, Li, Valerie Drouet, Jessica W. Wu, Menno P. Witter, Scott A. Small, Catherine Clelland, and Karen Duff. 2012. “Trans-Synaptic Spread of Tau Pathology In Vivo.” PLoS ONE 7 (2) (February 1): e31302. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031302.
Ly, Philip T.T., Fang Cai, and Weihong Song. 2011. “Detection of Neuritic Plaques in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model.” Journal of Visualized Experiments (53) (July 26). doi:10.3791/2831. http://www.jove.com/video/2831/detection-of-neuritic-plaques-in-alzheimer-s-disease-mouse-model.
Santa-Maria, Ismael, Félix Hernández, Joaquín Del Rio, Francisco J. Moreno, and Jesús Avila. 2007. “Tramiprosate, a Drug of Potential Interest for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, Promotes an Abnormal Aggregation of Tau.” Molecular Neurodegeneration 2 (1) (September 6): 17. doi:10.1186/1750-1326-2-17.
Sun, Anyang, Xuan V. Nguyen, and Guoying Bing. 2002. “Comparative Analysis of an Improved Thioflavin-S Stain, Gallyas Silver Stain, and Immunohistochemistry for Neurofibrillary Tangle Demonstration on the Same Sections.” Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 50 (4) (April 1): 463–472. doi:10.1177/002215540205000403.
Urbanc, B., L. Cruz, R. Le, J. Sanders, K. Hsiao Ashe, K. Duff, H. E. Stanley, M. C. Irizarry, and B. T. Hyman. 2002. “Neurotoxic Effects of Thioflavin S-positive Amyloid Deposits in Transgenic Mice and Alzheimer’s Disease.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (22) (October 29): 13990–13995. doi:10.1073/pnas.222433299.