I am supervising a number of students looking at modelling the East African Rift from geophysical data and would like to find some open-source magnetic data of the region to assist them.
The magnetic dataset for Tanzania exists in two places.
1. The geological Survey of Tanzania. Dodoma. Its possible they would be prepared to provide you with a copy of the data for teaching purposes. You can only ask.
2. GETECH hold the data in a form that they compiled for the African magnetic Mapping Project (AMMP). They used to have a policy of providing data for research purposes, provided there as sufficient guarantee that the data would not be "leaked" for commercial purposes. Again, you can only ask.
You can download through SPIDR web page which provides the data for almost all the neutron monitoring stations as well as space weather data is also available there.
No regular world data centers like Spidr, WDC Kyoto or Ktushu publish Tanzania magnetic data.I myself have not seen any magnetic data from Tanzania.```