I will be running an experiment that requires participants to distinguish between several novel objects. Ideally, each novel object will be a configuration of 3D geometric shapes (e.g., pyramids, pentagonal-prisms, spirals, discs, cuboids) but objects *cannot* be distinguished from one another based on one particular local feature: the only defining aspect of an object should be its overall configuration.
For example, if we have object A (a configuration of a cuboid, cylinder, and a pyramid) for each of its features there will be at least one other novel object that contains the identical feature (e.g., object B might have the identical cuboid, object C might have the identical pyramid, and so on…) - and thus the objects cannot be differentiated based on local features, and must be differentiated by overall configuration instead. So I’m looking for a stimuli set where features have been manipulated systematically such that objects can be distinguished only by their configuration of features (something corresponding to the linked table would be ideal):
Has such a stimuli set has been used in the past, and if so has it been made available? Any suggestions welcome.