I am modeling the debonding between concrete and CFRP subjected to tangential loading using ANSYS Workbench, I used (CZM/VCCT) techniques to model the debonding. as you know with workbench you can't choose the element type directly. you have to insert commands for Solid65. or use the default solid186.
For pure tangential force applied on the plate. is it suitable to use solid65 element for concrete in this case. bearing in mind that in some failure modes in experimental there is a lump concrete attached to the plate after separation (Failure). and in others the concrete is intact (just debonding failure). I tried different element types, but when I use the SOLID 65 command, my model lose convergence too early. If I remove cracking and crushing capability (Suppress the command), the solution runs fine without any convergence problems. (is this due to cracking feature associated with solid65). how can I get the model to converge.in meshing,If the mid-side nodes are set to "dropped" for the default solid186 (20 nodes), will I get similar behavior as solid65 (8 nodes) (3 DOF/node for both). I already tried the following to get my model to converge for solid65 in workbench:
1- Refining the mesh.
2- Reducing the normal stiffness of the contact region
3- Use newton Raphson residuals.
4- Playing with steps and sub-steps (applying displacement in small intervals).
Any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.