When the solution is concentrated, there is strong possibility that the K : Ca will increase in arid region calcareous alkaline soils. Because upon conc., the Ca ions will tend to form first ion pairs and then precipitate as CO3 - compounds. Secondly Ca ions will enter into Stern Layer part of DDL which is not considered generally the part of DDL. Both these factors will decrease Ca ions in soil solution while very very little change will occur in K conc. Hence the K : Ca ratio will widen. However, the clay mineralogy and contents of OM will affect the rate of change.
Dr.Manikandan,please read the following publications to better appreciate the concept of activity Ratio and Ratio law.Soil Conditions and Plant growth by Russell, Wiley Black well or revised edition. You may also read short 2-3 page brief description in Encyclopedia of Soil Science http://books.google.co.in/books
Dr. Angamuthu Manikandan theoretically it could be assumed the 4-time conc of soil solution will double the activity ratio of K : (Ca)1/2 in arid regions calcareous alkaline soils, but practically might not possible. But there will an increase in ration. For example:
K = 4 mmol/L, Ca = 8 mmol/L, then activity ration of K : Ca = 4/(8)1/2 = 1.41, when conc increased 4-time, then
K = 16 mmol/L, Ca = 32 mmol/L, then activity ration of K : Ca = 16/(32)1/2 = 2.28.