I have a Annual Rainfall time series data (1987-2017). I am determining the trend in the data using MK test. However I found that if there is a serial correlation we should go for MMK test.
Therefore I calculated correlation coefficient at different lags for the original data (upto10 lags) and found that the correlation coefficient are within the tolerance band (within upper limit and lower limit at 5 % significance level) except at lag 4 it is above Upper limit.
Does this mean the series is autocorrelated?
What is the criteria for going for MMK test?
Do we really need to perform student t test corresponding to lag 1 correlation coefficient? Is this test justifiable?
This makes me confused because at lag 1 there is no auto correlation (it is within tolerance band) however at lag 4 there is auto correlation.
So there is mismatch. Student t test would entail no autocorrelation whereas the correlation coefficient at lag 4 entails there is auto correlation.
Your help would be appreciated