My hypothesis is that the gene I am working with has positive selection, but I am not quite sure which rate should I use dN/dS or dS/dN. Some softares calculate both and some just one of them.
Perhaps dN/{dN+dS] and dS/[dN+dS] would be more appropriate numbers that could be used to measure positive or negative selection of a protein-encoding region. Otherwise, dN/dS could be better than dS/dN but the foregoing measures appear to be more appropriate. Just intuitive suggestions.
1 Recommendation
8th Aug, 2015
Simon Topp
King's College London
From a paper I co-authored many years ago...."The direction and strength of selection is measured by ω, the nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution rate ratio (dN/dS = ω), with ω 1 indicating purifying selection, neutral evolution, and positive selection, respectively."
2 Recommendations
8th Aug, 2015
Gabriel De Jesus Bedoya
University of Antioquia
With dN/dS you can measure neutrality, positive end negative selection it depends of the value
11th Nov, 2015
Claudia Carranza
Ceva Salud Animal, Peru
Thank you very much A.K Konopa, Simon and Gabriel. I will be using dN/dS, however I will also take a look at the dN/{dN+dS] and dS/[dN+dS].